Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

TV Festival at Electric Palace 19-22 September with Doon Mackichan Q&A

TV Festival at the Electric Palace

Celebrate John Logie Baird in his hometown with a weekend of special TV-focused screenings and events, including guest Q&As and a children’s puppet workshop at the Electric Palace cinema in Hastings Old Town. See some small screen gems on the big screen from 19-22 September, says Annie Waite.

Have a laugh on Friday 20 September with Doon Mackichan

Events taking place at the Electric Palace include a Smack the Pony comedy sketch show celebration evening with Q&A led by Hastings alumna actress Doon Mackichan, alongside author and journalist David Quantick, a contributor to the show, on Friday 20 September.


Michael Apted’s classic 7Up series

7Up series celebrated on 19 September

The classic TV documentary 7Up is the focus of the opening screening on Thursday 19 September, at 11am, with a feature length screening of 63 Up, the episode that encapsulates the entire original reality TV project, which has been called “the Noblest Project in Cinema History” by Roger Ebert.



Make an appointment to see the Doctor

Enjoy a Doctor Who special on 19 September

A special treat also awaits Doctor Who fans on in the evening of Thursday 19 September, with archive episode screenings and a discussion panel featuring loads of guest speakers:

  • Matthew Waterhouse, a writer and actor who appears in a classic episode
  • Gavin Collinson,who wrote a Doctor Who novella
  • Mark Ayres from Radiophonic Workshop
  • Chris and Jeremy Limb, the sons of Radiophonic Workshop’s Roger Limb.

Doctor Who-inspired artwork by Leroy Henry, St Leonards-based artist and printmaker, will also be on display.

John Logie Baird invention centenary

PhotoHastings celebrates John Logie Baird’s TV invention

To celebrate the centenary year of the invention of television by John Logie Baird in our very own Hastings, Baird is the focus of the Spirit of Invention night on Saturday 21 September.

Enjoy an entertaining night of films and live music performance hosted by artist and performer Jude Montague and Exploding Cinema’s Duncan Reekie, in partnership with PhotoHastings.

Kids puppetry workshop and archive classics

Puppetry workshop inspired by TV puppets through the ages

To close the festival, Children’s TV classics such as Basil Brush (“Boom! Boom!”) , Thunderbirds and Roland Rat (“Ehhhhhhhhhh Rat fans!”) will be on show on the morning of Sunday 22 September.

The event includes a kids puppetry workshop with Hastings-based artist and puppeteer, Lorna Crabbe.

With thanks to the BFI National TV Archive.

Book now for the TV Festival events at the Electric Palace from 19-22 September


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Posted 18:33 Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 In: Festivals

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