Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Castle on the Hill

Castle on the Hill

Jack in the Green inspired art

Suzanne Kelly, originally from New York, moved to this area after being taken by its strong arts community and the wealth of inspiring land and seascapes. A member of the Zoom Arts 1066 group, she is exhibiting her brightly coloured abstracted landscapes and seascape paintings, inspired by her move to Hastings, St Leonards and the Jack in the Green Festival.

She said: “Everything I’m interested in from fossils and history through folklore, art, music and nature can be found here in abundance; it’s really having a positive impact on my art practice, and how I feel.”

Capture Green

Capture Green

Ms Kelly went to her first Jack in the Green festival last year, and much of the work on show is a reaction to it. “The roots of the festival, the community spirit, the colours and high energy are different to anything I’d experienced before; I can’t wait for this year’s event.”

Elements of esoteric traditions and folklore are found in her three 3D ‘spells’ works: a protection, an attraction and a love spell are each represented. Her work often incorporates ancient symbols such as those found on Celtic coins, and the ruins of the castle appear in paintings too.

The exhibition, with refreshments from Thistly Cross Cider, opens on Sunday 30 April from noon until 4pm. After which, the show will be open from 11am to 6pm daily; outside these hours please contact Ms Kelly at  Exhibition runs from 29 April through 11 May at Zoom Arts Gallery at Warrior Square station.

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Posted 07:03 Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018 In: Arts News

1 Comment

  1. Ms.Doubtfire

    Bright and vibrant yes – but which part of these paintings represents the Jack in the Green festival?
    A bit too avant garde here I fear!

    Comment by Ms.Doubtfire — Saturday, Apr 21, 2018 @ 18:43

Also in: Arts News

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