Plates by Maslen and Mehra
Cash, Clash and Climate
In this installation at Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, Maslen & Mehra, in collaboration with local street artists, Shuby and Delete, bring together an extensive body of work for the first time.
Maslen & Mehra have created the framework ‘Cash, Clash and Climate’ to ponder questions about the complexities of living today, and invite viewers to follow their train of thought.
These sculptures pose questions about political, social and economic structures and ask how they relate to social unrest and environmental issues.
“Cash: For this collection the works explore bailouts, credit culture, housing bubbles, war as big business, the commodification of food staples and the almost religious status that money has reached in our times.
“Clash: Social unrest from Istanbul to Athens, the use of social media to organize protests, the charged debate concerning gun control and gun rights in the US and even the London riots of 2011 feature.
“Climate: This theme loosely covers environmental topics such as chronic pollution as a heavy cost for economic power in China, melting ice caps, the opposing views of climate change, the legacy of radiation from Japan’s nuclear disaster and the untimely death of a sperm whale in Spain from ingesting 17kg of plastics generated for British and European supermarkets.” (Taken from Axisweb.org)
Cash, Clash and Climate Maslen & Mehra, in collaboration with local street artists Shuby and Delete. To 12 November at Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, John’s Place, Bohemia Road, Hastings TN34 1ET. Tel 01424 451052 .
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Also in: Arts News
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