Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper
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Community First Funding

Ask and it May be Given! –  Central St Leonards Ward Community First Grants

Applications are invited for the second round of the Central St Leonards Ward Community First grants. Grants of up to £2500 will be available for activities that meet local needs, which will have to be matched by an equivalent amount of volunteering time or donations.

The scheme is being run nationally by the Community Development Foundation  (CDF), the local grants panel is coordinated by the Gensing and Central St Leonards Community Forum and Hastings Voluntary Action is the ‘Panel Partner’.

Identified funding priorities are:

1.  environmental improvements

2.  bringing the community together

3.  evening activities for young people

4.  a safe and healthy community

5.  an economically successful community

The deadline for applications is 1st February 2013.

Gensing and Central St Leonards Community ForumApplication forms and guidance notes can be picked up at the Gensing and Central St Leonards Community Forum office on Silchester Road, St Leonards.

For further information email :

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Posted 07:04 Saturday, Dec 1, 2012 In: Hastings People

Also in: Hastings People

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