Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
A section of the Hastings Tapestry.

A section of the Hastings Tapestry.

Volunteers wanted for Hastings Tapestry exhibition in Rye

The Hastings Tapestry is going on view at Bridge Point, a new arts centre in Rye, and volunteers are wanted to supervise visitors. Nick Terdre passes on the call.

The Hastings Tapestry, which has long remained out of sight, will finally be available for public viewing again in a pop-up exhibition at the new Bridge Point creative arts centre in Rye, and volunteers are needed to steward the stagings. These will take place on six weekends between the end May bank holiday weekend and October.

Commissioned in 1966 from the Royal School of Needlework to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, the 245-foot long tapestry consists of 27 panels depicting significant events in British history between 1066 and 1966. It is in the guardianship of Hastings Borough Council, with whose permission it is being made available.

The display will be accompanied by a newly commissioned pop-up audio-visual installation by artist and director Tim Hopkins and a work by British composer and sound-scape artist Robert Thomas.

Days on which the tapestry will be on display are:

Sunday 26 and Monday 27 May
Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June
Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July
Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 August
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September
Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October.

Each day will be divided into two shifts for volunteers: 10.45am-1pm and 12.45-3.15pm.

Two induction sessions for volunteers took place this week; a third will be held at 11am on Saturday 25 May at Bridge Point. Interested parties are asked to email the project producer Anastasia Witts, indicating which days and shifts they would prefer to work.

All volunteers will receive a souvenir T-shirt and refreshments.

Bridge Point is located in Rock Channel, TN31 7DE, off South Undercliff. There is only limited disabled parking at the site – parking for volunteers (and visitors) is at Gibbets Marsh, 38 Udimore Road TN31 7DS, an eight-minute walk from the centre.


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Posted 18:21 Thursday, May 16, 2019 In: Arts News

Also in: Arts News

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