Hastings & St Leonards on-line community newspaper
Scene shot from Seeds of Freedom

Scene shot from Seeds of Freedom

Seeds of Freedom

A packed Friends’ Meeting House was given food for thought by a talk and film on the subject of ‘food sovereignty’. The film, ‘Seeds of Freedom’, showed how traditional farming practices around the world have been hit by the introduction of genetically modified seeds and farming methods, which place the profit-margins of multi-national companies above the needs of rural communities.

As a result of this trend, there has been a loss of knowledge of farming methods that have proved successful in the past, a trend that is only now being reversed as communities across the world are starting to regain control of their own agriculture.

After the film, there was a talk and discussion led by Barbara Echlin, the national secretary of Green Christians and John Fowler from Global Justice Now, an organisation which works to create a more just and equal world.

Scene shot from Seeds of Freedom

Scene shot from Seeds of Freedom

The meeting was a coming-together of three different groups: Global Justice Now (Hastings and Bexhill), Hastings Against War and Hastings and District Interfaith Forum. A member of each of these groups introduced the work of their organisation to the large gathering.

St Leonards resident John Lynes, a member of all three groups, commented: “I have been heartened by the enthusiastic response to the joint meeting of Hastings Against War and The Interfaith Forum. There were many fresh faces in the audience, people who have never been associated with either of the sponsoring organisations. There is growing support for the emerging ideals of Green Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. I am deeply grateful to the two groups for focusing on these vital issues.”

Further information about this topic here, where you can also watch the film, Seeds of Sovereignty and the film Seeds of Freedom.

The United Nations Association Bexhill and Hastings Branch have organised a meeting, Soil As Community on 26 September 2015: 10.30am for coffee, 11.00am for the talk by Dr Edward Echlin. The Parkhurst Hall in Bexhill. Admission free. Contact Maria Crees on 01424 733749.

Scene shot from Seeds of Freedom

Scene shot from Seeds of Freedom

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Posted 09:33 Tuesday, Sep 15, 2015 In: Campaigns

Also in: Campaigns

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