Hastings & St. Leonards on-line community newspaper

The Bank of Lear fiver has been designed by Erica Smith

Announcing the heritage book choice for ATownExploresABook 2021

The annual ATownExploresABook (ATEAB) festival in St Leonards-on-Sea is an exciting exploration of a heritage book by everyone in the community – including visitors. It’s also the biggest platform for young people’s outdoor art in the region – which you can see on the platform at Southeastern’s Warrior Square station where the local Transition Town community group have created a beautiful garden.

2021 is the 150th anniversary of the publication of the nation’s favourite children’s poem (poll of 2014), The Owl and the Pussy-Cat. It was first published in Edward Lear’s 1871 Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets. Given that it’s an anthology of nonsense, the festival is being launched on April Fools’ Day!

This month a crowdfunder is being launched to raise funds for the outdoor art projects to enable hundreds of young people from local groups and schools to explore the book over the year and create outdoor art that will be on view right through the Easter holiday period for them and you to enjoy.

Saffron from Teddy Tinker’s Emporium votes for the larger than life Lear five pound note

How you can help make the Festival happen

Swap your modern five pound note for a special edition of a Bank of Lear Owl and Pussy Cat fiver in shades of blues, with a touch of pea green of course which is capacious enough to wrap up honey and lots of money!

Or offer ten pounds for an ATownExploresABook edition of Lear’s anthology to wrap in the Owl and the Pussy Cat generously-sized note.

You can also choose options with honey and plenty of chocolate money which make the most magical presents. And you can gift books straight to the children taking part in the festival, a generous and much valued gift for those in families where buying books are beyond some parents’ financial means.

Find out more by visiting

Ray and Lulie from Sugarpie Honeybuns favour the Lear fiver over the plasticy Churchill one

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Posted 20:55 Sunday, Jul 12, 2020 In: Community Arts

Also in: Community Arts

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